Friday, March 11, 2016

Movie Madness

Film has always been dear to my heart. It is the marriage of photography, writing, music, and so on, the perfect blend of everything I love consuming and creating. In the following weeks I will be posting regularly on this platform, recording my own experience while making a two minute movie opening for my AICE Media Studies class. It is difficult to know exactly where and how to begin this project, but I think an introduction works!
My name is Cassandra Secada, I am 16 years old, and a junior in high school. Although I am very nervous about this assignment, I am also very excited. I am facing this challenge with open arms and welcoming all that is to come!
Almost Famous (2000 dir. by Cameron Crowe)
Some films that are really special to me and I believe will be chief inspirations for my opening are Boogie Nights (1997 dir. by Paul Thomas Anderson), Almost Famous (2000 dir. by Cameron Crowe), and City of God (2002 dir. by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund). While at first glance these films have little in common, they are all knit together by a common vibrance. They are rich with life. They have a pulse about them, and that is something I wish to emulate with my project. I would also really love to experiment with some 70s aesthetics, and art direction in general!

Until next time!

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