Saturday, March 19, 2016

Taxi Driver and Palo Alto

            I've already mentioned that a major goal I have is to bring a sense of life to my film opening. Films like Boogie Night(1997), City of God (2002), and Almost Famous (2000) have influenced me, in that aspect, as they are undeniably vibrant pieces. But so far, I haven't delved too deep into films or scenes that inspire me content wise. 
            The mirror monologue in my opening has definitely been influenced by Taxi Driver's (1976) famous "You talkin' to me?" scene, displayed below. Because my character is film obsessed, I want to allude to her having seen Taxi Driver, among Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003), Jackie Brown (1997), etc. and to simply be mimicking a blend of all these characters.

               Furthermore, in both my opening and the scene above, the protagonist is putting on a persona. I've also looked to the mirror scene at the end of Raging Bull (1980), the string of mirror scenes throughout Boogie Nights, and the mirror scene from Palo Alto (2013) for inspiration. 

Until next time!

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